Revue de presse
(trop ancien pour répondre)
2003-07-18 17:11:53 UTC
A moins que vous ayez des objections, je vais vous présenter une revue de
presse sous la même forme que la semaine dernière
2003-07-18 17:16:54 UTC
Diario de Noticias, 05 Jul 2003,:-
The Portuguese aeronautical maintenance company OGMA, has won a contract
worth EUR 8mn (US$ 9.19mn) to repair four Embraer ERJ-145 aircrafts, which
belong to the Belgian Air Force. It has also signed a similar maintenance
contract with the Swedish airline, City Airlines, to repair the same type of
2003-07-18 17:33:59 UTC
Diario Economico, 07 Jul 2003,:-
The Government is preparing the privatisation plan of the aeronautical
maintenance and repair company, OGMA. The aim is to keep the company
competitive, bringing in international partners which can provide know how
technology, as well as gains in terms of scale and technology.
2003-07-18 17:43:36 UTC
Diario Economico, 10 Jul 2003,:-
The new president of Eurocopter has maintained talks with the Portuguese
Defence Secretary, having submitted a new proposal to supply nine light
helicopters EC-635 for the Army's light aviation group.
The French-German consortium has re approached the Defence department after
the secretary had terminated a previous contract due to delays in delivering
In this new meeting, Eurocopter's CEO offered the Portuguese Air Force the
possibility to use five second hand helicopters BO 105 for a three year
period free of charge, but in turn the MoD would have to award the scheduled
replacement of Aviocar aircrafts to the Spanish defence group, Casa, a
subsidiary of EADS like Eurocopter.
2003-07-18 18:15:04 UTC
Post by Nectoco
but in turn the MoD would have to award the scheduled
replacement of Aviocar aircrafts to the Spanish defence group, Casa
Oh l'autre hé, il prend le gouvernement portugais pour un paillasson...
2003-07-18 17:18:13 UTC
Cinco Dias, 07 Jul 2003,:-
Sacesa, the partly state-owned company launched by the government for the
region of Andalucia (Spain) to absorb Airbus' European programmes in the
region, has recently launched, Intesa, whose objective is to assemble the
structures Airbus orders from Sacesa. Intesa will subcontract these
activities among engineering firms within the region.
The most recent contract awarded to Sacesa includes the manufacturing
operations for the Belly Fairing for the A-380
2003-07-18 17:18:49 UTC
Kommersant, 7 Jul 2003, p.7:-
Ukraine's state aircraft producer KhGAAP is interested in production of
An-140 passenger airplanes at the Russian Samara-based aviation plant
Aviakor, quoting general director of the Ukrainian company, Pavel Naumenko.
In particular, the plants plan to complete jointly the construction of six
An-140s started by the Samara plant several years ago. The governor of
Samara Region says that KhGAAP may become a strategic partner and managing
company for Aviakor in the project. The Russian bank NRB, its leasing
company Ilyushin Finance, and the Ukrainian leasing firm Ukratranslizing are
named as would-be investors.
According to Mr. Naumenko, the Russian market needs 80 to 100 An-140s, and
Ukraine - 20 An-140s a year. KhGAAP has no capacity to meet the demand, and
is ready to share its order book with Aviakor.
2003-07-18 17:36:51 UTC
Kommersant, 7 Jul 2003, p.7:-
The Kazan-based aviation plant KAPO is expected to receive state certificate
for its new passenger aircraft Tu-324 in 2005. The airplane is being
developed as part of the federal program Development of Civil Aircraft
Industry in 2002 - 2010.
As of today, US$ 70mn for Tu-324 project were allocated by the budget of
Tatar Republic. The total investment of the republican aviation industry in
the 50-seater aircraft exceeded US$ 100mn
2003-07-18 17:20:02 UTC
Il ne sont pas arrivé à se mettre d'accord en ce qui concerne les Hélicos
..... alors

Les Echos, 08 Jul 2003,:-
The construction of a fighter as part of a French and Russian partnership,
is expected to be discussed during the second French and Russian council on
security, due to take place on 8 July 2003 in Moscow. Russia is looking for
financial partners for this project which it plans to launch as of 2010,
while France does not plan such an equipment until 2025 as the existing
Rafale fighter has made a recent start on export markets. France and Russia
have been working on a joint fighter programme (called MIG-AT) since 1996.
2003-07-18 17:21:21 UTC
International Herald Tribune, 07 Jul 2003,:-
Boeing, Bell Helicopter Textron and the US Marine Corp are seeking Pentagon
approval for the Osprey V-22 aircraft. They have started a publicity
campaign to decision makers. The V-22 can take off like a helicopter but
flies like a plane at twice the speed and with five times the range of the
Marines' current helicopter. However, its development has been dogged by
three fatal crashes. Critics argue the Osprey's design is too complex and it
is being pushed toward full-production without adequate testing. There is
also concern that the aircraft is too expensive to produce.
The Pentagon will decide by the end of 2005 whether to finance 458 Ospreys
at a cost of US$ 48bn. Each Osprey has price tag of US$ 68.7mn but they must
bring down the cost to around US$ 58mn. This is still much more expensive
than a F-16 fighter, which costs US$ 20bn
2003-07-18 17:24:19 UTC
Financial Times Deutschland, 09 Jul 2003, p.1+3:-
European space group EADS Space Transportation has developed a so-called
MiGBUS SpaceCoaster, which is geared to the tourism market. The MiGBUS
SpaceCoaster is a retrofitted Russian MiG 31 fighter jet featuring a cabin
for 12 passengers and one flight attendant. The cabin is mounted on the back
of the fighter jet. The shuttle is designed for supersonic flights to a
height of up to 30 km so that the passengers can experience weightlessness.
The ticket for the MiGBUS is to cost around EUR 10,000 (US$ 11,483.03).
If EADS can secure the required US$ 50mn to US$ 100mn for the MiGBUS
project, the maiden flight could take place in 2007. EADS will not make a
financing contribution to the MiGBUS since the group has no plans for the
tourism market.
2003-07-18 17:25:20 UTC
Washington Post, 09 Jul 2003,:-
The US congress has approved a 2004 spending bill for the Pentagon amounting
to over US$ 369bn. This includes US$ 4.6bn for the Special Operations
Command, US$ 158mn for the Littoral Combat Ship of the US Navy, US$ 35mn for
the Stryker Brigade Combat Teams, US$ 4.2bn are allocated for the Joint
Strike Fighter and US$ 1.7bn for the Army's Future Combat System. All in all
the spending bill reflects the move towards a more mobile and lighter combat
system as it is envisaged by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. The spending
bill approved by an Appropriations subcommittee in the Senate differs
slightly from that of the Congress, for example by rejecting the purchasing
programme of Virginia-class nuclear attack submarines.
2003-07-18 17:27:59 UTC
South China Morning Post, 10 Jul 2003,:-
In China, the Chengdu Aircraft Industry (Group) Corp (CAIG) intends to
broadcast the maiden flight of its FC-1 fighter jet in Chengdu, which is
expected to occur in July or August 2003. The prototype fighter jet, also
known as Super-7, is developed by CAIG in collaboration with Pakistan. China
Central Television is currently in talks with CAIG regarding the live
broadcasting of the flight event. If successful, it will be the first time
that such broadcast is taking place in the country.
2003-07-18 17:28:25 UTC
The Economic Times, 11 Jul 2003,:-
In India, aircraft evaluation committee of Air-India has voted in favour of
Boeing 737-800 for the short haul aircraft bid of the company. The company
is looking for 18 short haul aircraft for its far-eastern and Gulf routes.
The two shortlisted bidders are Boeing and Airbus for their respective
737-800 and A320-200 models, and the former was out performing with its
spillover benefit and seat capacity. The deal is expected to involve a sum
of about US$ 800mn. The evaluation report will be sent to its head quarters
on 11 July 2003
2003-07-18 17:29:09 UTC
Source: Agence France Press du 12.07.2003
HAMBOURG (Allemagne), 12 juil (AFP) - Un défaut du
système de navigation d'urgence contraint des centaines d'Airbus à le
déconnecter pendant le vol, dans l'attente d'un appareil de remplacement qui
n'est pas encore disponible, affirme l'hebdomadaire allemand Der Spiegel à
paraître lundi. A l'exception des vieilles séries A300 et A310, le "Radio
Magnetic Indicator" (RMI) est actuellement déconnecté en vol depuis
plusieurs mois sur presque l'ensemble de la flotte d'Airbus, car il est
soupçonné de provoquer des courts circuits, précise le magazine. Il s'agit
d'une dérogation aux règles de sécurité en vigueur, qui exigent d'ordinaire
qu'en cas de défaillance de cet appareil, l'avion doit retourner à
l'aéroport pour le faire remplacer, selon Der Spiegel. Sollicité par l'AFP,
le constructeur aéronautique Airbus a indiqué qu'"il s'agit d'une vieille
histoire d'un système qui n'a plus d'utilité sur la famille des A320 et donc
il a été déconnecté. Aujourd'hui, la famille A320 a d'autres systèmes
d'urgence qui sont utilisés". Selon un porte-parole du groupe, le RMI est en
fait un système d'urgence secondaire, destiné à intervenir en cas de
défaillance d'un autre système d'urgence, l'horizon artificiel, qui lui-même
intervient, avec le soutien d'autres systèmes, en cas de défaillance du
système principal de navigation. "Le RMI n'est que le système d'urgence d'un
premier système d'urgence", a-t-il déclaré. "Ce n'est vraiment pas un
problème majeur, la sécurité n'est absolument pas mise en cause", a insisté
une autre porte-parole d'Airbus. L'appareil conçu par la firme française
Thaïes Avionics compte, avec l'horizon artificiel et le compas, parmi les
trois instruments qui fonctionnent indépendamment du système de navigation
des Airbus afin de permettre aux pilotes de continuer à piloter l'avion en
cas de défaillance du système principal. Selon l'hebdomadaire allemand,
entre mars et septembre 2002, les RMI concernés par ce défaut ont été
déconnectés sur les appareils produits par l'avionneur européen et le sont
restés depuis. Jusqu'à aujourd'hui, le fabricant n'a pas été en mesure de le
remplacer et les Airbus en sont depuis privés. Ils bénéficient de
dérogations spéciales aux règles de sécurité accordées par les autorités de
leurs pays respectifs, souligne Der Spiegel. "Nous travaillons à remplacer
le RMI, tout comme Thaïes est en train d'y travailler. Dès que nous serons
en mesure de les produire, nous procéderons aux remplacements des RMI, mais
nous n'allons pas le faire dans un futur immédiat, car le RMI étant un
système secondaire, ce n'est pas une priorité", a déclaré le porte-parole
d'Airbus. Personne n'était immédiatement joignable au sein de Thaïes
Avionics pour commenter ces informations.
2003-07-18 17:35:35 UTC
Press Release (Lufthansa), 07 Jul 2003,:-
With effect from the winter schedule, German Lufthansa will offer flight
connections from Munich, Germany, to Dubai, UAE, and Miami, US.
In addition, Lufthansa will resume the connection between Munich and
Johannesburg/Cape Town, South Africa with effect from 26 October 2003.
All three routes will be served with Airbus A340 aircraft.
The German airline announced plans to gradually expand intercontinental
traffic from Munich Airport
2003-07-18 17:37:49 UTC
Asian Defence and Diplomacy, Jun 2003, p.24:-
Australia has set aside around AU$ 700mn (US$ 464.24mn) to buy new lift
helicopters for its defence force, of which it is inviting proposals until
August 2003. Following this request, NATO Helicopter Industries (NH
Industries), Agusta Westland, both European-based, and Sikorsky of US will
bid for the scheme by offering NH-90, EH101 Merlin, and Hawk variants
respectively. The Australian Defence Force (ADF) intends to acquire a
helicopter, Chinook heavy lift chopper, Eurocopter Tiger armed
reconnaissance choppers, and Seahawk/Blackhawk by 2006.
2003-07-18 17:38:43 UTC
Globe & Mail, 08 Jul 2003,:-
The Canadian company CAE has agreed to supply pilot training services and
equipment to Airbus Industrie for its A380 aircraft. The contract, which is
worth CA$ 55mn (US$ 40.48mn), includes two flight simulators, which will
need to be in Toulouse, Canada, ready for training by 2005.
2003-07-18 17:39:40 UTC
Kommersant, 08 Jul 2003, p.7:-
The French-German concern Eurocopter intends to sell its 33.3% package in
the company Euromil, which was set up in 1990 for development and production
of the new helicopter Mi-38.
The stake will be offered to the rest two co-founders of Euromil, the Moscow
Helicopter Plant named after Mil (MVZ) and Kazan Helicopter Plant (KVZ).
The helicopter Mi-38 should become a mass model of the middle helicopter
with the carrying capacity of 6 tons. It should replace the model Mi-8.
Eurocopter intends to sell its shares of Euromil, because the Russian
legislation limits participation of foreign companies in aviation programs
with 25%, and Eurocopter has no plans to reduce its stake. Initially,
Eutrocopter was in charge for development of avionics and other hi-tech
2003-07-18 17:49:09 UTC
Source: Moscow Times du 15.07.2003
The Moscow Times Disenchanted with Russian legislation that deprives it of
control over its
business, Eurocopter has announced it is walking away from nearly 10 years
of cooperation with Russian partners. The general director of Euromil, a
joint venture in which Eurocopter holds a one-third stake, confirmed the
European firm's departure. "Eurocopter is pulling out of shareholding in
Euromil and is selling its shares," Vladimir Yablokov said by telephone
Monday. The Moscow Mil Helicopter Plant, a design firm, and the Kazan
Helicopter Plant, a manufacturer, also hold one-third stakes in the venture,
which was set up in 1994 to develop, produce and market the Mi- 38
multipurpose medium-lift helicopter, a replacement for the Mi-8 workhorse.
Market researchers had forecast that Euromil could sell 300 of the
helicopters priced between $10 million and $12 million: 200 in the
Commonwealth of Independent States and 100 abroad, Yablokov said. Russian
legislation on civil aviation enacted in 1998 caps foreign ownership at 25
percent and prohibits foreigners from performing executive and managerial
functions, Eurocopter spokesman Ghristophe Muller said, and this influenced
Eurocopter's decision to pull out. Eurocopter was also blocked from sharing
the intellectual property rights to the Mi-38 despite having helped design
the cockpit and avionics, he said. Muller declined to name the sum or the
date for the stock sale, saying only that the other two partners would split
Eurocopter's stake 50-50. Yablokov said the price was somewhere in the range
of a few hundred thousand rubles. Both Muller and Yablokov said Eurocopter
would stand by its commitment to see the Mi-38 through to its maiden flight,
slated for later this year. Yablokov said that for four years, Euromil's
management has addressed government officials repeatedly for assistance in
sorting out the shareholder predicament, but to no avail. The law does not
allow investors control over the investment they ve made, in violation of
the law on shareholding and international legislation," Yablokov said..
law is a threat to Russia's international cooperation in the aerospace
sector." The 1998 legislation has in the past presented complications for
Western investors. U.S. engine maker Pratt & Whitney had its share in the
Aviadvigatel design bureau questioned last year and was forced to bring its
holdings into line with the law. Yet some get waivers. Airbus last month set
up an engineering center with Russian industrial group Kaskol, in which it
holds a 51 percent stake, under an agreement dating back to the mid-1990s
between the French firm and what was then the Economics Ministry. Yury
Koptev, head of the Russian Aviation and Space Agency, has lobbied the
government to raise the ceiling on foreign ownership in the aerospace sector
to at least 49 percent.
2003-07-18 17:40:56 UTC
Svenska Dagbladet, 10 Jul 2003, Näringsliv p.4:-
The Czech Republic is no longer considering to acquire the British-Swedish
fighter jet Jas 39 Gripen. Instead, the country is now requesting quotes for
used fighter planes. However, the Czech Republic is still planning to
purchase new airplanes sometime in 2008-2009
2003-07-18 17:45:31 UTC
Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer du 15.07.2003
The Boeing Co. plans significant changes in the way it assembles its 777
jetliner here, with the goal of cutting by about half the time it takes for
final assembly of the jet, the company's top
executive at its Everett plant disclosed yesterday. John Ouinlivan, vice
president and general manager of its 777, 767 and 747 programs, said final
assembly time for the 777 probably won't come down to the three days that
Boeing hopes to achieve with its proposed 7E7 superefficientjet. But I think
we will be in the single digits, he said. Final assembly of the 777 now
takes from 13 to 15 days. Changes will be needed in the factory to make the
production go faster, he said. Under the new production methods, for
example, the large overhead cranes in the plant won't be used as much to
move big pieces of fuselage. Boeing's goal is to have the 777 production
gains by 2006, he said. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer previously reported
that Boeing was looking to make its Everett factory more of a final assembly
site, taking a page from how it plans to assemble the 7E7. In an interview
with a small group of reporters, Quinlivan said Boeing is looking at
7E7-assembly type of opportunities in Everett in order to cut costs and
improve efficiency. We could see very big benefits, he said. Boeing has not
decided where it will assemble the 7E7. In addition to the Everett plant,
Moses Lake in Eastern Washington is one of the contenders. A number of
states besides Washington also are vying for the 7E7 work. Quinlivan said a
new rail-barge pier in Everett will help Boeing with its 777 production
plans, as well as with the other two airplane programs in Everett. As part
of an all-out effort by the state to win the 7E7 work, the Legislature set
aside $15.5 million in its capital budget for the new pier that will be able
to handle oversized cargo. Should the 7E7 be built in Everett, Boeing would
need the pier to handle the bigger pieces of plane that are expected to
arrive by ship from Japan or other places. The new 600-foot pier will make
it easier to get big airplane parts from the water directly into the Everett
plant. Currently, big parts are shipped to the ports of Tacoma and Seattle
and then barged to the Port of Everett. They are then carried on a railroad
line to Mukilteo before being diverted to a Boeing spur for the final trip
to the Everett plant. This requires closing the main rail line for up to two
hours. With the new pier, the parts can be off loaded and taken directly to
the Boeing plant by rail - without closing the main line but for a few
minutes. The largest Boeing airplane piece that now arrives from Japan is
the 777 center wing section. The new pier will allow us to have flexibility
to bring in larger pieces without shutting down the rail line," Ouinlivan
said. We are looking at what is the fastest way we can put this together, he
said. What can we do in our own back shop, what can we do with our suppliers
?" More than 3,000 people work on the 777 program. That includes engineers
as well as machinists. It is not clear how these future factory plans will
affect Boeing s Everett work force. But Boeing has made no secret that fewer
people will be needed in the future to assemble its jetliners. That's why it
has been saying that the 7E7 program will only require from 800 to 1,200
workers, far fewer than are needed today for a jetliner. Changes are also
coming for the 747. That plane's center wing section will soon arrive in one
piece from Japan. It now comes from Bombardier in Canada but the assembly is
built up at the Everett factory. Mitsubishi of Japan will take over
production of the 747 center wing section and ship a complete assembly to
Everett, eliminating the buildup work now done there. Over the past two
years, Boeing has consolidated its three widebody airplane programs in
Everett under one management team headed by Quinlivan, who last week
celebrated his 35th year with Boeing. It has eliminated infrastructure and
costs, he said of the consolidation. We are seeing big benefits With lower
production rates, Boeing must continue to look for new ways to be ever more
efficient, Ouinlivan said. Boeing has held a series of workshops with teams
to look at ways to further cut costs by reducing production or flow time. We
have set targets on how we want to bring the airplane together in a faster
way, he said of the 777. Ideas have come from workers on the factory floor
as well as from what has already been done in Renton to speed production, he
said. The concept of a final assembly site is to have fewer bigger airplane
parts that can be easily and quickly snapped together. "Final assembly is
where it all comes together," Quinlivan said. "We think we can make some
significant inroads. We are pretty excited."
2003-07-18 17:46:24 UTC
Source: reuters du 16.07.2003
LONDRES, 16 juillet (Reuters) - Le president du groupe Virgin [VA..UL]
Richard Branson a annonce mercredi son intention de creer one compagnie
aerienne a petits prix mais "de qualite" aux Etats-Unis d'ici la fin juin
2004 pour faire concurrence aux americains JetBlue et Southwest. "Nous avons
I'intention d'aller la-bas et de nous assurer qu'il y a one troisieme
compagnie aerienne a bas couts, tres puissante en Amerique", a declare
Richard Branson a I'occasion du iancement d'un nouveau service
transatlantique haut de gamme sur sa compagnie Virgin Atlantic. Branson, qui
a également des intéréte dana ia musique, le transport ferroviaire et les
telecoms, a precise que la nouvelle compagnie pour les petits budgets serait
organisee sur le meme modele que sa compagnie australienne a bas prix Virgin
Blue, qui, a indiqué 1'homme d'affaires, devrait étre introduite en Bourse
en octobre ou en novembre. La f!otte du nouveau transporteur américain, qul
sera créé ex nihilo, devrait au depart compter entre 10 et 15 avions pour
ensuite atteindre one trentaine d'appareils 18 mois plus tard. Richard
Branson a precise qu'il n'avait pas encore ete decide si la nouvelle
compagnie se fournirait chez Boeing ou chez Airbus . Un certain nombre
d'investieeeure institutionnele sont pressentis au tour de table. Pour se
conformer a la legislation americaine, Virgin detiendrait moins de 50% du
capital. Aux Etats-Unis, les compagnies aériennes non américalnes ne sont
pas autorisees a detenir plus de 25% des droits de vote d'une compagnie
aerienne et controler plus de 49% du capital. Le mois dernier, le secretaire
americain aux Transports Norman Mineta a demande au Congres de porter a 49%
le plafond des droite de vote autorisé pour one compagnie étrangére. Sur le
plan de la conjoncture, Richard Branson prevoit one reprise du trafic de
premiere classe et en classe affaires entre Londres et les Etats-Unis.. "Le
trafic haut de gamme reprend. Le Sras est derriére nous, la recession
commence a etre derriere nous et I'activite est beaucoup plus importante", a
declare Branson. "La guerre du Golfe est aussi derniére nous". Le president
de Virgin a estime que le nouveau service presente mercredi attirerait 5%
des clients classe affaires et 12% des premieres classes de son concurrent
British Airways Ce service sera lance a I'automne, au moment ou BA doit
arreter definitivement I'exploitation du Concorde.
2003-07-19 12:29:46 UTC
Source: International Herald Tribune du 17.07.2003
The chairman of Virgin Group, Richard Branson, said
Wednesday that he planned to begin operating a "quality" low-cost airline in
the United States in the first half of next year to take advantage of
growing demand for budget travel, Bloomberg News reported from London..
Branson said he wanted a 49 percent stake in the carrier, which would have
as many as If planes, with a number of institutional investors owning the
rest. He said his voting stake would be restricted to 25 percent to conform
with U.S. law that limits foreign ownership of domestic airlines. Branson,
founder of Virgin Atlantic Airways, is seeking to copy the New York-based
low-cost carrier JetBlue Airways, which has posted five straight quarterly
profits while offering cheaper fares than larger rivals and extras such as
onboard television and leather seats.
2003-07-18 17:47:53 UTC
Lufthansa et 3 partenaires vont commander ensemble jusqu'à 200 nouveaux

Source: Agence France Press du 6.07.2003
FRANCFORT (Allemagne), 16 juil (AFP) - La compagnie
aérienne allemande Lufthansa et trois partenaires du groupement Star
Alliance comptent passer une commande commune de jusqu'à 200 avions
régionaux, a indiqué mercredi un porte-parole de Star Alliance, Horst
Findeisen. "200 est un ordre d'idée correct", a-t-il affirmé, confirmant des
informations du quotidien Tagesspiegel, selon lesquelles la commande commune
portera sur une centaine d'avions d'environ 100 places, avec une option pour
100 autres. Les transporteurs concernés - Lufthansa, Air Canada,
Scandinavian Airlines Systems et Austrian Airlines - avaient annoncé en mai
leur intention de grouper une commande, en vue de négocier ensemble les prix
et les modalités de livraison auprès du fabricant retenu, et d'obtenir ainsi
des conditions financières avantagßueee. Le consortium mène actuellement des
discussions avec les constructeurs aéronautiques Bombardier, Airbus, Boeing
et Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica, a précisé M. Findeisen. Selon le
Tagespiegel, la commande groupée représente un volume total de 7 à 8
milliards de dollars. Un chiffre non confirmé par le porte-parole de Star
2003-07-18 17:49:52 UTC
Source: TTU-Weekly Newsletter du 17.07.2003
II y a un peu plus d'un an, sept Rafale Marine revenaient
de leur premier deploiement operationnel. Un an apres, ils sont desormais
neuf (plus un chez Dassault pour experimentation), au sein de la 12F
(Landivisiau). Depuis leur admission au service actif, en decembre 2000, les
Rafale M ont effectue plus de 3 300 heures de vol. ainsi que 1 300
appontages. Ces chiffres montrent que I'aeronavale a intensivement teste
I'appareil a bord du porte-avions. Les maladies infantiles de cet appareil
sont en passe d'etre soignees, meme si cela se traduit encore par des couts
de maintenance tres eleves, phenomene par ailleurs assez classique lors de
la mise en service d'un nouvel appareil. Le calculateur de missions avait
suscite quelques reactions d'humeur chez les pilotes, puisqu'il fallait
partois, en cours de mission, le déconnecter pour le "dbbuggeP'. Les
solutions techniques sont, depuis la mi-juin, en train d'etre mises en place
et tous les appareils devraient en avoir beneficie depuis le 14 juillet.
Rappelons d'ailleurs, que las appareils du standard suivant (F-2) seront
6quipbs d'un autre calculateur, identique a celui du Mirage 2000-9. Sur le
plan de I'armement, les pilotes de 1'aéronavale ont pu ezpbrimenter les
Magic et Mica EM, la version IR du Mica n'etant utilisable qu'avec le F-2.
Ces derniers, equipes de la Liaison 16, devraient etre livres a partir de
2006, mais il faudra attendre un peu plus longtemps - le 25* appareil - pour
voir mise en service la version biplace. Ce qui explique d'ailleurs que le
Super-Etendard devrait rester en service jusqu'en 2032. Des tests ont ötb
6ga!ement menbs avec le pod de reconnaissance qui equipe les Super Etendard,
mais c'est le dernier standard (F3) du Rafale qui sera en mesure d'utiliser
le pod Reco NG.
2003-07-19 09:07:40 UTC
Rappelons d'ailleurs, que les appareils du standard suivant (F-2) seront
équipés d'un autre calculateur, identique a celui du Mirage 2000-9. (...)
similaire par le principe (modularité du rack), mais absolument pas

_/ \_
---/ \ / \---
X--------|__ V __|--------X
X X (_) \_\_/_/ (_) X X

Olivier "Rafalou33" : retirer NO GO
ICQ : 224512643
l'encyclopédie de l'aéronautique : http://www.aviation-fr.info/
les images : news://news.zoo-logique.org/images.aviation
2003-07-18 17:55:27 UTC
Source: TTU-Weekly Newsletter du 17.07.2003
Le missile antlchar Trigat-LP, d'une portee de 4 000 metres n'en finit pas
de decevoir.
Lance au debut des annees 1990, ce missile "tir et oublie" & guidage
infra-rouge reunissait I'Allemagne, la France et I'Angleterre, en vue
d'equiper la version anti-char de
I'helicoptere Tigre. L'Angleterre qui s'est retiree rapidement du programme
Tigre, a logiquement fait de même concernant la Trigat. Le programme,
poursuivi en bipartite, multiplie aujourd'hui les echecs alors que les tests
organises tant par les industriels que la DGA reveleraient les faiblesses du
Au cours d'une campagne d'essais qui s'est tenue en Méditerranée,
1'infra-rouge du Trigat aurait été perturbé par un environnement thermique
complique (soleil et reverberation), egarant le
missile loin de sa cible. Conduit il y a pres de deux mois par la DGA, une
autre campagne de tirs avait pour cible un T-72 surblindb. Alors qu'au
premier essai, le missile est normalement venu frapper le haut de la
tourelle du char russe, le blindage réactif aurait dévié la charge du
Trigat-LP, 1'empéchant de transpercer la tourelle. Quant au deuzième missile
tire, il se serait ecrase a une trentaine de metres du T-72, peut etre a
cause d'une panne de moteur ou du systeme de guidage.
Le blindé en est sorti indemne. L'échec de cette campagne d'essais pourrait
etre revelatrice d'une
mauvaise conception du missile, tant sur I'architecture que la charge.
L'auto-guidage, place sur le cote, destabiliserait son vol, tandis que la
charge avant, pourtant assez importante, provoquerait un jet trop lent.
Des compléments de développement ont été Iancés, et I'ambition affichée
reste 1'aboutissement du projet. Neanmoins, et selon les specialistes, a
trop vouloir modifier, c'est I'architecture complete du missile qui se
trouve etre remise en cause.
La decision d'achat du Trigat pour equiper I'ALAT francaise est attendue aux
alentours de 2009/2010 et leur nombre dependra de la combinaison de
I'equipement retenu pour les 43 exemplaires en version HAD
Coté allemand, le dossier devra btre validé par le Bundestag, et le nombre
d'unites a commander dependra de la commando Tigre, aujourd'hui stabilisee
aux alentours de 80 exemplaires. A noter que le constructeur EADS LFK n'a
fait aucun commentaire sur ces essais, indiquant que ceux menés en Allemagne
ont été couronnés de succés.
Ces nouvelles n'arrivent pas au bon moment, alors que les actionnaires de
sont en désaccord sur la valorisation de LPK, qul attend depuis plus de deux
ans son integration dans le premier missilier europeen.
Valorisation delicate a effectuer: les quatre programmes sur lesquels
travai!le LFK
(Taurus, Trigat-LP, Polyphem et Meads) sont tous dans une situation pour le
moins delicate !
Une partie des ingenieurs du bureau d'etudes de LFK sont d'ailleurs au
chomage partiel... En ce qui concerne le Trigat-LP, la difficulté de sa mise
au point pourrait pousser les acheteurs du Tigre a
acquerir le jour venu "un missile sur etagere". Ce qui est possible, soit
aux Etats-Unis, soil en Afrique du Sud, soit en Israel. A moins que la
France, apres avoir constate, que du coté de 1'antichar, "I1 n'y a plus
rien", ait un sursaut qui permette de développer une famille pouvant etre
utlliser en mode sol-sol (homme ou vehicule) ou air-sol (helicoptere). Un
tel sursaut serait le bienvenu.
2003-07-18 22:35:31 UTC
Post by Nectoco
Source: TTU-Weekly Newsletter du 17.07.2003
En ce qui concerne le Trigat-LP, la difficulté de sa mise
au point pourrait pousser les acheteurs du Tigre a
acquerir le jour venu "un missile sur etagere". Ce qui est possible, soit
aux Etats-Unis, soil en Afrique du Sud, soit en Israel.
Jusque là ok
Post by Nectoco
A moins que la
France, apres avoir constate, que du coté de 1'antichar, "I1 n'y a plus
rien", ait un sursaut qui permette de développer une famille pouvant etre
utlliser en mode sol-sol (homme ou vehicule) ou air-sol (helicoptere). Un
tel sursaut serait le bienvenu.
Là, moi pas comprendre
2003-07-18 17:56:55 UTC
J'ai été surpris de ne pas voir figurer le MAKO dans cette liste d'avions
.... Quelqu'un a des infos à ce sujet ??

Source: Les Echos du 17.07.2003
Le nom du groupe de défense choisi par le gouvernement
britannique pour la fourniture de 30 avions d'entraînement, un contrat de
plusieurs milliards de livres sterling, devrait être annoncé dans les jours
qui viennent. Les syndicats et le ministre de la Défense, Geoff Hoon,
tentent de convaincre le Trésor de confier ce contrat au britannique BAE
Systems, dont les Hawk équipent déjà la Royal Air Force (RAF). Le Trésor
estime que les coûts avancés par BAE Systems sont supérieurs de 1 milliard
de livres (1,41 milliard d'euros) aux estimations étrangères. L'agence de
presse britannique Press Association affirme que BAE Systems devrait
remporter la moitié du contrat, tandis que l'autre moitié serait ouvert aux
entreprises étrangères, comme l'américain Lockheed Martin et l'italien
2003-07-18 17:58:08 UTC
Het Financieele Dagblad, 16 Jul 2003,:-
The Netherlands is to sell 29 of its 137 F-16 fighter jets in an effort to
cut costs. The Czech Republic, which is looking to acquire second-hand jets,
has requested that the Dutch Ministry of Defence makes an offer for some of
these jets.
2003-07-18 17:58:44 UTC
Dagens Industri, 17 Jul 2003, p.4:-
SAS is planning to reach a decision on the planned airplane purchase within
the next couple of months. Together with other members of Star Alliance, SAS
is looking to acquire 100 airplanes with capacity to take 100 passenger.
However, the sourcing decision is dependent on the success of SAS cost
cutting scheme.
2003-07-18 18:00:31 UTC
Source: Agence France Press du 15.07.2003
LE HAVRE, 15 juil (AFP) - Hurel-Hispano, filiale de la
Snecma, vient d'achever la construction du premier inverseur de poussée
destiné ä équiper les moteurs du futur avion géant Airbus A380, a-t-on
appris mardi auprès de la direction de l'usine du Havre où est fabriqué cet
équipement. Cet inverseur de poussée, d'un diamètre de 4,40 mètres, doit
être livré le 25 juillet au motoriste britannique Rolls-Royce qui fabrique
les moteurs de l'A380. Ces derniers seront ensuite acheminés vers l'usine
Airbus de Toulouse où sera assemblé l'A-380 dont la mise en service est
prévu en 2006. L'inverseur de poussée est un équipement qui permet de
renverser le flux d'air du moteur à l'atterrissage pour bénéficier d'un
complément de freinage. Selon les dirigeants d'Hurel-Hispano, celui de
l'A380 est moins bruyant, plus fiable et plus léger que ses prédécesseurs
grâce notamment à l'utilisation de matériaux composites. Hurel-Hispano qui
emploie 2.700 salariés répartis sur quatre sites en Europe est le seul
fabricant d'inverseurs de poussée retenu par Airbus. Environ 130 commandes
d'A380 ont déjà été enregistrées dans le monde ce qui représente deux fois
plus d'inverseurs de poussée ä construire
Alfred Wallace
2003-07-18 23:28:15 UTC
A lire cette info, seulement deux réacteurs équipés sur 4 ? Est-ce la norme
? 2 suffisent, ou contrainte mécanique, ou ... ?

Post by Nectoco
Source: Agence France Press du 15.07.2003
LE HAVRE, 15 juil (AFP) - Hurel-Hispano, filiale de la
Snecma, vient d'achever la construction du premier inverseur de poussée
destiné ä équiper les moteurs du futur avion géant Airbus A380, a-t-on
appris mardi auprès de la direction de l'usine du Havre où est fabriqué cet
équipement. Cet inverseur de poussée, d'un diamètre de 4,40 mètres, doit
être livré le 25 juillet au motoriste britannique Rolls-Royce qui fabrique
les moteurs de l'A380. Ces derniers seront ensuite acheminés vers l'usine
Airbus de Toulouse où sera assemblé l'A-380 dont la mise en service est
prévu en 2006. L'inverseur de poussée est un équipement qui permet de
renverser le flux d'air du moteur à l'atterrissage pour bénéficier d'un
complément de freinage. Selon les dirigeants d'Hurel-Hispano, celui de
l'A380 est moins bruyant, plus fiable et plus léger que ses prédécesseurs
grâce notamment à l'utilisation de matériaux composites. Hurel-Hispano qui
emploie 2.700 salariés répartis sur quatre sites en Europe est le seul
fabricant d'inverseurs de poussée retenu par Airbus. Environ 130 commandes
d'A380 ont déjà été enregistrées dans le monde ce qui représente deux fois
plus d'inverseurs de poussée ä construire
2003-07-19 07:18:50 UTC
Tout dépend de la capacité à éliminer l'énergie thermique develloppée par le
freinage, si les blocs de freins de l'A380 sont capable de disperser 1,5
fois l'énergie de l'A340-600, il n' y a pas de problèmes à mon avis.
Je crois que c'est un point de certification de la JAR25.
2003-07-19 09:28:55 UTC
Post by Nectoco
Tout dépend de la capacité à éliminer l'énergie thermique develloppée par le
freinage, si les blocs de freins de l'A380 sont capable de disperser 1,5
fois l'énergie de l'A340-600, il n' y a pas de problèmes à mon avis.
Bien évidemment, n'empeche qu'une des bonnes raisons pour laquelle c'est
Goodrich qui a été retenu pour faire le système de freinage de l'A380
(outre le fait que ca soit un fournisseur américain) c'est aussi parce
que Messier Bugatti (qui a quand meme une serieuse experience en la
matière, tous les Airbus et le 777) a jugé les specs d'Airbus
irréalistes et n'a pas voulu proposer un système qu'ils ne pensaient pas
pouvoir realiser.

MSc Aerospace Dynamics, Cranfield University
Picavia (www.picavia.com) screener, "Nemo Me Impune La Cessit"

'Naturamque Novat'

enlevez tout les 'oooo' pour répondre
2003-07-19 09:38:54 UTC
Post by Hood
Goodrich qui a été retenu
Toutes mes confuses, lire Honeywell-Dunlop et non pas Goodrich, qui fait
le train mais pas les roues. Le raisonnement reste le meme

MSc Aerospace Dynamics, Cranfield University
Picavia (www.picavia.com) screener, "Nemo Me Impune La Cessit"

'Naturamque Novat'

enlevez tout les 'oooo' pour répondre
2003-07-19 10:33:48 UTC
Merci de tes infos !!
Stéphane Bosschaert
2003-07-20 08:50:35 UTC
Euh, ça c'est l'argument du mauvais perdant de la compétition.
Messier Bugatti s'est tout simplement fait jeter par Airbus parce qu'il
était trop cher et croyait que les Airbus étaient sa chasse gardée.
De plus, il faut se rappeler les problèmes de train d'atterrissage qu'on
rencontré les A340/A330 à leur entrée en service (train conçu et fabriqué
par Messier Buggati) :
* perte d'une pièce au décollage à Los Angeles ayant entrainé
l'impossibilité de sortir le train gauche à l'arrivée à Londres sur un A340
de Virgin => atterrissage sur l'aile gauche.
* fatigue excessive lors des demi-tours serrés => bulletin de service
d'Airbus demandant de ne pas dépasser 70 degrés de braquage lors d'un demi
tour => contraintes d'exploitation parfois génante pour les compagnies.
A la place d'Airbus, j'aurai fait pareil : quand on n'est pas content de son
fournisseur, on en change !
Post by Nectoco
Tout dépend de la capacité à éliminer l'énergie thermique develloppée par le
freinage, si les blocs de freins de l'A380 sont capable de disperser 1,5
fois l'énergie de l'A340-600, il n' y a pas de problèmes à mon avis.
Bien évidemment, n'empeche qu'une des bonnes raisons pour laquelle c'est
Goodrich qui a été retenu pour faire le système de freinage de l'A380
(outre le fait que ca soit un fournisseur américain) c'est aussi parce
que Messier Bugatti (qui a quand meme une serieuse experience en la
matière, tous les Airbus et le 777) a jugé les specs d'Airbus
irréalistes et n'a pas voulu proposer un système qu'ils ne pensaient pas
pouvoir realiser.


MSc Aerospace Dynamics, Cranfield University
Picavia (www.picavia.com) screener, "Nemo Me Impune La Cessit"

'Naturamque Novat'

enlevez tout les 'oooo' pour répondre
2003-07-20 14:53:57 UTC
Post by Stéphane Bosschaert
De plus, il faut se rappeler les problèmes de train d'atterrissage qu'on
rencontré les A340/A330 à leur entrée en service
Les trains c'est Messier Dowty
MSc Aerospace Dynamics, Cranfield University
Picavia (www.picavia.com) screener, "Nemo Me Impune La Cessit"

'Naturamque Novat'

enlevez tout les 'oooo' pour répondre
Alfred Wallace
2003-07-19 12:31:26 UTC
Le pb est intéressant : si on augmente la capa par bloc de frein, l'énergie
à dissiper étant au ² de la vitesse, déterminons la distance d'arrêt sur
piste humide, fonction de la vitesse de touché, du nombre de blocs
défectueux (0, 1, 2, ...) et de la masse de l'avion...

Intéressant parce que là çà devient un très gros engin sur des pistes dont
la longueur ne variera pas (en cherchant un peu, je trouve un MLW 747-400
actuel dans les 290t, MLW A380 de 380t, et les MLW des futurs B747-500/600X
spécifiées vers 400t).

C'est peut-être pour çà que Messier Bugatti a tiqué ? Quelqu'un sait où en
est le fournisseur de Boeing sur le même sujet ?

En passant, j'en profite pour tiquer sur les MTOW respectivement annoncées
pour B747-600X & A380 : 544t et 582t. Qu'est-ce que cela signifie en terme
de procédure d'atterrissage d'urgence juste après décollage, sachant que la
MLW A380 est plus faible ?

Si quelqu'un a sa calculette... ;-)

Post by Nectoco
Tout dépend de la capacité à éliminer l'énergie thermique develloppée par le
freinage, si les blocs de freins de l'A380 sont capable de disperser 1,5
fois l'énergie de l'A340-600, il n' y a pas de problèmes à mon avis.
Je crois que c'est un point de certification de la JAR25.
2003-07-18 18:04:19 UTC
Nürnberger Nachrichten, 14 Jul 2003, p.12:-
German Bundeswehr (Federal Armed Forces) plans to implement infrastructure
investments of about EUR 55mn (US$ 63.16mn) in the next years in Roth near
Nuremberg. The project includes a building for flight simulations as well as
two maintenance halls for the new Tiger helicopters. Initially, 32 Tigers
are to be stationed in Roth.
2003-07-18 18:05:02 UTC
The Korea Herald, 16 Jul 2003,:-
Indonesian military has received two military training aircraft model KT-1Bs
from Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd (KAI) on 15 July 2003. The aircraft is
produced under the cooperation with Daewoo International. In another
development, KAI is holding a negotiation with the Indonesian military to
supply additional KT-1Bs aircraft. KAI is an aircraft maker in South Korea.
2003-07-18 18:05:31 UTC
Wen Wei Po, 15 Jul 2003,:-
Taiwan will partner with the US to develop the C4ISR structure for military
purposes. Under the structure, electronic system and telecommunication
frequency to be used in Taiwan will be compatible with those used by the US
army in Asia Pacific. Thus, Taiwan would get some of the satellite
information from the US.
2003-07-18 18:09:32 UTC
Les places seront moins chères pour les astronautes de l'ESA ???

Source: The Times du 16.07.2003
THE American space agency Nasa employs too many astronauts and must sharply
reduce the number of new recruits, according to a scathing internal audit
The report, whose
publication was delayed because of the Columbia space shuttle accident on
February 1, in which seven astronauts were killed, paints a picture at
frustrated young astronauts, who are highly trained at enormous expense and
paid up to $130,000 a year, kicking their heels for years while waiting for
a space flight The pilots and test pilots are the top at the top and now
they are being used to go to meetings," said Curtis L Brown Jr, a former
astronaut who left Nasa after six flights to allow younger astronauts a
chance. "I don't know how they can go lo work every day, because the prime
of their careers is passing them by." The uncertainty surrounding future
space shuttle flights since the Columbia tragedy has exacerbated an already
depressing prospect for the 53 at Nasa's 144 astronauts who have never
flown. Many have been put to work as ground engineers. Plans to recruit more
astronauts this autumn Becoming an astronaut is within the grasp of anyone
who measures between 5ft 4in and 6ft 4in - as long as they can pass a Nasa
physical, have a resting blood pressure of 140/90, 1,000 hours commanding a
)et aircraft and a degree in engineering, biology, physics or mathematics.
Mission specialists need be only 4ft lOin, so long as they have at least
three are likely to be curtailed. Robert W. Cobb, the h'asa
inspector-general, says that the agency has been persistently too optimistic
about the number at space missions that it would fly. He found that
astronauts recruited in 2000 would wait ten years before being sent into
space. Nasa budgeted for seven or eight flights per year, with six or seven
astronauts at a time being sent to work in the International Space Station
(ISS). Yet until the Columbia disaster in February, when flights stopped,
the number at missions had fallen to five a year, with three astronauts at
the station. Since February the The right stuff: qualifications for the job
years' further academic qualifications or professional experience. Once
accepted on to the programme, candidates receive classes in shuttle systems,
geology, meteorology, oceanography, physics and astronomy. In the first
month of training, candidates must swim three lengths of a 25rn pool in a
flight suit and tennis shoes and tread water for ten minutes. ISS has been
occupied by an American and a Russian. Although Nasa has scheduled the next
shuttle flight for April 2004, the official report on the Investigation into
the Columbia disaster will declare the shuttles unsafe and in need at
extensive restoration before they can fly again. While the demise at
Columbia was primarily caused by damage inflicted by foam falling from the
external fuel tank, the report will demand tests for corrosion, metal
fatigue and other aspects at the three remaining shuttles before they can be
declared safe.
2003-07-18 19:02:42 UTC
Wall Street Journal, 14 Jul 2003,:-
Continental Airlines is to reduce its fleet capacity in 2004 and 2005 and
has decided to delay delivery of its US$ 2.5bn Boeing order. Although four
737-800 jets in the fourth quarter of 2003, along with 12 737 aircraft in
2004, will be delivered, 36 737s ordered for 2008 have been deferred. The
carrier has blamed depressed business air travel and low fares.
2003-07-18 19:04:42 UTC
Source: reuters du 14.07.2003
Continental Airlines Inc. said on Monday it is pushing back delivery of 36
narrow-body planes from Boeing Co. as an unprecedented industry slump
persists, bringing more bad news for the world's largest plane maker.
Houston-based Continental said it would defer the delivery of 36 Boeing
737 airplanes scheduled from 2005 to 2007, representing most of a $2.5
billion order from Boeing. In a move that also could make production of
another Boeing aircraft economically unviable, Continental said it was in
discussions to defer delivery of slightly larger 757s. "We've given it all
the room we can to see a glimmer of hope for an economic recovery,"
Continental Chief Executive Gordon Bethune said in an interview. "It's not
a prudent thing to continue to commit to add more capacity because we're
not making any money with the airplanes we have." People are flying, but
planes are not full and fares are cheap. The No. 5 U.S. airline and its
peers have worked to slash billions of dollars in annual costs as sizable
financial losses continue. The 737 is the best-selling plane in Boeing's
line, aimed at short- to medium-haul flights. Continental's shares closed
about 2 percent higher on the New York Stock Exchange, while Boeing fell
about 2 percent as analysts continued to question whether the company
would be able to meet its 2003 delivery target of about 280 planes. BOEING
SAYS TARGET ON TRACK Boeing is sticking by its targets because the
deliveries on the 737s now being deferred weren't scheduled to begin until
2005, said spokeswoman Sandy Angers. Continental said it still plans to
accept delivery of four 737-800 aircraft in the fourth quarter and another
12 of them next year. It would use those airplanes to replace older
models. But beyond that time, some industry experts said other big
airlines, still amassing large losses, are likely to follow Continental in
deferring deliveries, while low-cost carriers Iike JetB3-ue Airways Corp.
keep ordering planes. "Major airlines continue to retreat; discounters
continue to grow," said J.P. Morgan analyst Jamie Baker. "Continental's
deferrals are likely welcome news at JetBlue, which will be introducing
its second fleet type just as Continental suspends its 737 deliveries." In
what could be a signal of things to come for the 757 jet, Continental said
it is in talks with Boeing on delivery terms of all 11 of the 757-300S it
has on order. Delaying delivery of those plans could drive down production
of the 757 to well below one a month, making it difficult to build the
model profitably, analysts said. "Continental's actions increase the
chance of closure of the B757 line, which we believe will occur in 2005,
with any charge being low, $10 million to $50 million at most," said Bane
of America Securities analyst Nick Fothergill. Boeing has just seven 757
orders beyond the 11 placed by Continental and has not booked a new order
for the model since December 2001, the manufacturer's Web site showed. In
recent months, Boeing has been largely left out of some high-profile
aircraft orders, including two from Dubai-based Emirates and Qatar
Airways. Its defense business has also heen under a cloud as the federal
government investigates alleged use of a competitor's proprietary
documents in bidding for big rocket launch contracts. Continental said it
would retire 19 MD-80s and 737-300s during the fourth quarter and next
year. It plans to retire the rest of its MD-80s in January 2005 and
expects its fleet to shrink to 354 aircraft by June 2004 and 348 by June
2005. Continental shares, whose price had nearly tripled in the second
quarter, were up 43 cents at $15.57. Boeing was down 44 cents at $34.74.
2003-07-18 19:06:33 UTC
Source: Agence France Press du 14.07.2003
CHICAGO (Etats-Unis), 14 juil (AFP) - Le constructeur
aéronautique Boeing va développer un moteur électrique fonctionnant à
l'hydrogène capable d'équiper de petits avions monomoteur, a-t-on appris
lundi auprès de la société. Ce moteur expérimental, qui consiste en une
pile à hydrogène, sera monté sur un p!aneur ä moteur Katana Xtreme du
fabricant autrichien Diamond Aircraft. Une démonstration en vol est prévue
d'ici 2004 ou 2005, précise Boeing. Ce projet, développé par le centre de
recherches Boeing en Espagne, est mené en collaboration avec quatre
partenaires européens et une société américaine. A terme, le constructeur
aéronautique envisage de remplacer dans les avions de ligne les unités de
puissance auxiliaire (APU) qui génèrent l'électricité à bord des avions et
fonctionnent gräce ä la technologie des turb!nes ä gaz par ce type de
piles à hydrogène. "Ce projet permettra d'évaluer l'application
potentielle de la technologie des piles à hydrogène, plus propre, moins
bruyante et plus efficace que la technologie actuelle des turbines à gaz,
pour les produits de l'aviation commerciale de l'avenir", précise Boeing
dans un communiqué.
2003-07-18 19:09:04 UTC
Source: La Tribune du 15.07.2003
La vente de MTU pourrait s'accélérer. D'aprés Günter
Sroka, le président du comité d'entreprise du motoriste allemand, les
équipes des quatre fonds d'investissement américains Carlyle, J..F.
Lehmann, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts et Doughty Hanson sont en train
d'éplucher les comptes de la filiale du groupe Daimler-Chrysler. Autant
dire que, si on en est déjä ä la phase de due diligence, l'opération
pourrait se concrétiser au cours de l'été. Ni MTU ni sa maison mère ne
veulent commenter l'information. Mais de sources bancaires, on confirme
que le dossier est bien avancé. Daimler-Chrysler avait déjä reconnu en
début d'année, lors de l'annonce de la mise en vente de Fiat Avio, qu'il
était prét ä céder sa filiale. Reste ä se mettre d'accord sur le prix.
Compte tenu des contrats qui lient le groupe bavarois à son partenaire
Pratt & Witney (le motoriste américain a un quasi droit de veto sur la
transaction), l'acheteur ne peut étre qu'un fonds d'investissement. Un
industriel est à priori exclu, même si Volvo pourrait éventuellement avoir
une chance. Une option logique. En mars, le président de MTU, Klaus
Steffens, avait clairement admis qu'un mariage Fiat Avio-MTU serait une
option logique, les deux sociétés coopérant déjä et ayant une structure
similaire. Ce serait même à son avis la seule possibilité pour
rentabiliser la reprise de l'italien par Carlyle. Des propos qu'il vient
de renouveler, plaçant donc le repreneur de Fiat Avio en haut de la liste
des repreneurs potentiels. Jean-Pierre Millet, le directeur général de
Carlyle Europe, a d'ailleurs reconnu dans une interview à LJ Tribune qu'il
était très intéressé par MTU, laissant entendre qu'il pourrait ensuite
envisager une fusion avec le motoriste italien. Reste à s'entendre avec
Daimler-Chrysler sur le prix. Vu l'attention portée au dossier par les
candidats repreneurs, la concurrence risque de faire monter le ticket
2003-07-18 19:13:31 UTC
Die Welt, 05 Jul 2003, p.13:-
According to information obtained by the German daily Die Welt, potential
buyers of DaimlerChrysler's aircraft engine subsidiary MTU of Munich will
start the due diligence check on 7 July 2003. Reportedly, there are four
potential financial investors interested in MTU. US Carlyle is said to be
the favourite. The latter plans to merge MTU with Fiat Avio. US Pratt &
Withney (P & W), which is supplied by MTU, is increasingly willing to
approve the MTU/Fiat Avio merger, writes the German daily.
Also J.F. Lehmann, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and Doughty Hanson are interested
in MTU. The planned deal could be worth between US$ 1.5bn and US$ 1.8bn,
estimate sector experts
2003-07-18 19:10:45 UTC
Francesco Mengozzi : « II faut engager la privatisation d'Alitalia le plus
tôt possible »

Title: > Source: Les Echos du 15.07.2003
A la veille du conseil d'administration de la compagnie
qui doit examiner aujourd'hui les grandes lignes de son nouveau plan
industriel prévu pour septembre, l'administrateur délégué d'Alitalia,
Francesco Mengozzi, insiste sur la nécessité d'une accélération de
l'intégration industrielle avec Air France. Comment expliquer la situation
financière critique d'Alitalia, dont les comptes sont retombés dans le
rouge avec une perte d'exploitation de 173 millions d'euros au premier
trimestre ? Nous avons connu au cours des deux derniéres années une
extraordinaire concentration d'événements négatifs : depuis les attentats
du 11 septembre jusqu'au conflit irakien, la récession économique et la
récente psychose du SRAS. Selon les calculs de la Iata (1'organisation
internationale du transport aérien : NDLR), l'ensemble des compagnies a
essuyé, en deux ans, des pertes supérieures au montant de leurs bénéfices
cumulés pendant cinquante ans. On mesure l'étendue des dégâts. En outre,
cette crise a révélé au grand jour le problème posé par le « business
model » des compagnies ä bas prix qui ont transformé le transport aérien
en une véritable « commodity ». Le marché italien n'est pas le seul touché
par la concurrence des « low cost ». Non. Mais l'Italie est la terre
d'élection des compagnies à bas prix : un pays particulièrement favorable
au trafic touristique qui génère un taux de rendement faible, la clientèle
type des « low cost ». En outre, il y a un grand nombre d'aéroports en
Italie. Sans doute trop. A travers une politique de forte incitation, les
compagnies ä bas prix profitent largement de ces aéroports secondaires
dont les coûts d'utilisation sont très réduits. Pour toutes ces raisons,
le marché italien a été particulièrement visé par ces compagnies qui ont
enregistré un taux de croissance annuel de 40 % au cours des sept
dernières années, ce qui nous oblige à revoir notre modèle d'organisation.
On évoque pourtant une forme de reprise depuis début juin. En effet, on a
observé une reprise du trafic en juin, mais seulement en volume, pas en
termes de rendement. Je ne crois donc pas que les résultats dramatiques
des compagnies au premier trimestre (-173 millions d'euros pour Alitalia,
- 123 millions pour Air France, -415 millions pour Lufthansa...) seront
très différents sur l'ensemble du premier semestre. Cette reprise est trop
récente pour inverser la tendance. Qu'en est-il de l'agitation sociale
créée par la grève sauvage des assistants de vol en juin? Au début du mois
de juin, nous avons connu un épisode exceptionnel qui a même échappé au
contrôle des syndicats. Une simple proposition d'augmentation de
productivité, sans réduction d'effectifs et de salaires, a suscité une
manifestation spontanée absolument inacceptable et s'est traduite par un
mois de fortes tensions. Nous avons trouvé un compromis qui devrait
permettre d'obtenir un gain de productivité significatif (l'équivalent
d'une centaine d'emplois ä temps plein sur un total de 4.000 assistants de
vol). Avant d'envisager toute réduction d'effectifs, il faut améliorer la
productivité. Mais quelles sont les solutions à long terme b cette crise
structurelle du transport aérien? Nous sommes confrontés à un paradoxe.
Aux Etats-Unis, où les gouvernements sont généralement plus in- différents
au sort des entreprises, les compagnies ont bénéficié d'une injection
massive d'aides publiques depuis le 11 septembre 2001. A un niveau
inimaginable : près de 18 milliards d'euros d'aides diverses ont été
accordés aux compagnies américaines en difficulté (US Airways, United
Airlines, Air Canada ou American Airlines...) En Europe, la médecine
choisie a plutöt été de favoriser un processus de consolidation des
entreprises. c'est pour cela que vous souhaitez accélérer votre
intégration avec Air France? En juillet 2001, nous avons décidé de donner
vie à une alliance stratégique avec Air France. Cela nous a permis
d'intégrer l'alliance SkyTeam et de créer une société commune à part
entière (avec partage des coûts et des recettes) avec Air France sur les
lignes Italie France. Nous attendons le feu vert des autorités
communautaires à cette coopération au cours des prochains jours.. Nous
espérons que les mesures requises par Bruxelles (« remédies ») ne seront
pas de nature ä affaiblir notre alliance. Nous jugerions totalement
contradictoire d'invoquer d'un côté la nécessaire consolidation des
entreprises européennes et de chercher de l'autre côté à en limiter la
portée. La récente promesse d'une privatisation prochaine d'Air France
peutelle accélérer celle d'Alitalk? La privatisation est une réponse
cohérente à la nature du marché où nous opérons. Il y a peu de marchés
aussi fortement libéralisés que celui du secteur aérien. La privatisation
d'Alitalia est donc une nécessité et une opportunité. Seuls Alitalia et
Air France sont encore directement contrölts par l'Etat. Apparemment, Air
France s'est engagé avec détermination dans la voie de la privatisation.
J'espère que les conditions seront rapidement réunies pour permettre à
Alitalia de suivre la même voie. La privatisation reste, par essence, un
choix de l'actionnaire. Pour ma part, j'ai déjà recommandé qu'elle soit
engagée le plus tôt possible. Cela faciliterait notre participation au
processus de consolidation du secteur, seule issue ä la crise. Alitalia
veut accélérer son intégration avec Air France. Depuis notre adhésion à
SkyTeam, nous avons rapidement franchi plusieurs étapes cruciales (échange
de participations croisäes et d'administrateurs). J'espère que d'autres
projets industriels seront développés avec pour objectif une vraie
intégration transnationale. cela veut-il dire une fusion 6 part entière ?
La fusion n'est pas la seule solution disponible. L'important est de
réaliser une intégration des réseaux, des coüts et des revenus en vue
d'obtenir les seuils critiques. Cela passe aussi par l'intégration du
management et, pourquoi pas ? de l'actionnariat. Cela a d'ailleurs été
formellement prévu par notre accord initial. Mais la fusion reste
nécessairement liée à la décision des actionnaires. Sur le plan national,
où en sont vos discussions avec la compagnie privée Meridiana de l'Aga
Khan ? Même si cela pose certains problèmes en termes réglementaires, nous
recherchons toujours un accord avec Meridiana pour obtenir une masse
critique sur le marché italien. Les négociations portent sur.une prise de
participation significative. Le dossier est ä l'ordre du jour du conseil
d'administration qui se réunit aujourd'hui.
2003-07-18 19:11:59 UTC
Source: Daily Telegraph du 15.07.2003
BAE Systems yesterday admitted the costs of building the Royal Navy's two
new aircraft carriers could exceed
original estimates of £2.8 billion, hut denied claims it was arguing with
its partner on the project, French group Thales. BAE said the project was
still in the "assessment" phase, with final costings not due to be settled
before the middle at next year. It was made prime contractor for the
carriers by the Ministry at Detence in January after a bitter bidding war
with Thales. The MoD insisted Thales be made a partner as a condition of
BAE being chosen. A BAE spokesman said yesterday the £2.8 billion had been
a number put on the project by the MoD in January. "There are all sorts of
different options being discussed." However, both BAE, which is chaired by
Sir Dick Evans, and Thales said that discussions remained cordial, despite
speculation that BAE was unhappy with elements of the designs done by
Thales. A Thales spokesman said the collaboration had been working
"surprisingly well". Reports that the costs would blow out to E4 billion,
or the carriers would have to be dramatically reduced in size were
dismissed as "wild" by other sources, particularly a claim that the
carriers might only be able to carry 20 aircraft instead of 48. BAE shares
suffered no damage from the revelation, rising 1'f*p to 147'f'p yesterday.
However, analysts said the potential rise in costs would do little to help
BAE's difficult relationship with the Mol), its biggest customer. BAE is
hoping to hear the tate at its proposal to supply the RAF with 30 Hawk
trainer aircraft before Parliament rises this week. But analysts said
yesterday the MoD was unlikely to hurry its decision. BAE also faces cuts
to some of its UK programmes in the MoD's annual budget review over the
summer. However, some analysts were pleased the rising costs were
disclosed early. One said: "It is sensible that the Government finds out
about the costs now, rather than at the other end like the Nimrod and
Astute projects." BAE Systems all at sea over carriers budget AMID much
gnashing of teeth about BAE Systems' apparent inability to deliver
anything on time or on budget, chairman Sir Dick Evans and chief executive
Mike Turner might have afforded themselves a smile yesterday. Reports said
BAE has slipped over budget on its latest big project, the Royal Navy's
two new aircraft carriers, but the shares finished the day higher. The
stock market has realised that BhF.'s latest revisions to the estimated
costs of building the carriers will not hurt its profits. It might,
however, inflict some collateral damage on taxpayers. Neither BAE or
project partner Thales deny that the costs of building the carriers could
spirnl from 1:2.8rn to £4 billion. They say the project is still in its
"assessment" phase and nothing can be said for certain but there is no
uncertainty about their contract. The Ministry of Defence locked us all
into that in January when it insisted BAE and Thales, until then competing
bidders, work together. The pair now have until mid-2004 to wheedle out
the best deal they can, before they actually start building the carriers.
Then, the real delays will begin.
2003-07-18 19:17:33 UTC
Source: Financial Times du 14.07.2003
The Royal Navy may have to accept a sharp reduction in
the size of its two new aircraft carriers after BAE Systems warned it
could not build the designs to budget. The company, which is Britain's
biggest defence contractor, has told the Ministry of Defence that it would
cost up to £4bn to construct the pair, compared with the £2.8bn costing in
January. BAE won the lead role on the programme to build the warships -
the biggest ever to be built in Europe - after a bitter battle with Thales
of France. The navy has been told there are no more funds available.. So
meet the original budget, planners have been asked to consider designing
smaller and less sophisticated ships. One MoD official said: "The choice
is bleak. We either find more nrint'v or we build smaller CHITit'rs " Any
move to shrink the ships would reduce their effectiveness and ability to
"project power" around the world. Instead of carrying up to 48 aircraft
each, as planned, each vessel could carry as few as 20. This reduction
could also affect the UK's commitment to the F-.V> Joint Strike Fighter -
a joint programme with the US - which will be carried on the ships. Tony
Blair was planning this week to use the unprecedented level of US-UK
co-operation on the F-35 to convince George W. Bush, US president, to ease
restrictions on the sharing of sensitive defence technology. Such a move
would make it easier for BAB to merge with an American defence company.
The MoD said the review was "normal" at this stage of the procurement
cycle. It denied that the capability of the ships would be reduced.
"Regardless of the final decision we are confident that the carriers will
be able to fulfil the requirements identified in the SDR [strategic
defence review]." The government's decision to split the carrier contract
earlier this year was denounced as a fudge by critics. Although BAE is
leading the programme it was forced to build the ships to Thales' design.
Over 40 years the contract will be worth about £9.2bn, including support
and maintenance. The scale of the budget overrun raises fresh doubts about
BAR'S ability to manage big defence contracts. Earlier this year taxpayers
were forced to pay £7(X)m to hail the company out on cost overruns on the
Nimrod maritime patrol aircraft and Astute submarine programmes. But rival
industry executives and MoD officials say the government's decision to
force BAE to build the ships to the Thales design is largely to blame. Thf
government is also expected this week to make a decision on whether to
award a multibillion pound contract for Hawk fighter jets to BAE.
2003-07-18 19:18:11 UTC
Source: Financial Times du 14.07.2003
The Royal Navy may have to accept a dramatic reduction
in the size of its two new aircraft carriers after BAE Systems privately
warned it could not build the designs to budget. The defence company has
told the UK Ministry of Defence that it would cost up to £4bn ($6..7bn,
t5.8bn) to construct the pair - the biggest warships ever built in Europe
- compared with the £2.8bn costing in January, when BAE won the lead role
on the programme after a bitter battle with Thales of France. The navy has
been told there are no more funds available. So to meet the original
budget, planners have been asked to consider designing smaller and less
sophisticated ships. One MoD official said: "The choice is bleak. We
either find more money or we build smaller carriers." Any move to shrink
the ships would reduce their effectiveness and ability to "project power"
around the globe. Instead of carriers that could carry up to 48 aircraft
each, the size of each vessel's air group could fall as low as 20. Tony
Blair, British prime minster, was planning this week to try to convince US
President George W. Bush to ease restrictions on the sharing of sensitive
defence technology. Such a move would make it easier for BAE to merge with
an American defence company.
2003-07-18 19:15:26 UTC
Source: Aviation Week du 14.07.2003
Early in the year, the German government "abandoned"
the unmanned EADS/Dornier Seamos reconnaissance helicopter for its Navy as
"overdesigned and too expensive," but now defense ministry officials have
put out yet another request for information for a maritime UAU. With
almost four months to go before any sort of decision by the defense
ministry on a new design, a senior U.S. aerospace official is saying at
least three companies are "trying to subvert" the German Mavy's vertical
takeoff and landing requirement by offering land-based, fixed-wing UAUs.
Advocates of fixed-wing UAUs say that offering a few long-endurance
aircraft is smarter, cheaper and less complicated than trying to fly
dozens of small UAUs off the helicopter-size flight decks of a new class
of corvettes. Northrop Grumman has teamed with EADS/Dornier to offer a
Global Hawk derivative; General Atomics and STM/Atlas are proffering a
Predatorß, and EMT is stepping up with the Luna UAU. The fixed-wing UAUs
may offer a new set of options to the Bundeswehr whose acquisition
officials are still undecided about "whether they want to reboot the
vertical takeoff and landing (UTOL) concept, accept a Predator/Global Hawk
variant or put off buying anything for another decade," said the U.S.
official who is now actively involved in the program. Northrop Grumman is
also offering its Fire Scout and Sea Scout UAV helicopter if Germany's
requirements stick to UTOL. Other UAUs identified in the initial market
survey include: SAIC's Vigilante, Bell's Eagle Eye, AAI's Shadow 400,
Sikorsky's Cypherll and Bombardier's Guardian CL-327. The defense ministry
released a request for information for a new design, and they plan to make
a decision about whether to try another helicopter design, try something
else or abandon the whole idea as too expensive. Industry observers note
that while Germany continues to express interest in a number of innovative
military technology programs, most collapse when it comes time to fund
development and production. General requirements for a UTOL UAU are that
it be able to land in a sea state 5 on the helicopter deck of a
1,500-ton-class corvette and operate from there for a minimum of seven
days. Major repairs would be made on a supply ship, according to the
defense technology and procurement office. The UAU would be expected to
eventually be able to operate in mixed military air traffic. Initial
requirements also called for a 100-naut-mi. range, 90-kt. maximum speed,
4-hr. mission time and a service ceiling of 10,000 ft. Sensors would
include a maritime radar with 40-naut.-mi. range, forward looking
infrared, video camera and both line-of-sight and overthe-horizon data
links. Acquisition officials have now come back with orders to review
requirements, conduct an international market survey and focus on an
affordable (underlined in the document) tactical maritime UAU solution
that fits Germany's overall joint intelligence, surveillance and
reconnaissance road map by the end of October. They are really sincere in
trying not to ask for things they cant have [or afford], the U.S. official
said. "They're insisting on affordability, and they're demanding that the
companies tell them the actual operating cost."
2003-07-18 19:22:29 UTC
Source: Seattle Post du 13.07.2003
Seattle Post-Intelligencer The Air Force conceded yesterday that leasing
100 aerial tankers front The Boeing Co, is significantly more expensive
than buying them outright, but said the cost is acceptable because leasing
will get the planes into service years sooner. The admission was included
in a 13-page report to Congress explaining and justifying the
controversial $17 billion deal. The report is considered one of the final
steps before a deal two years in the making is made final. The dominant
reason for proposing the lease is the advantage it affords for quickly
delivering needed tankers to our war fighters without requiring
significant upfront funding," Air Force Secretary James Roche said in a
report that was delivered to the four major defense committees in
Congress. With the report delivered, those committees now must approve the
deal within 30 days. Advocates, including the Washington congressional
delegation, are confident it will be approved. "We've got the votes," said
Rep. Norm Dicks, D-Wash., who was the architect of a deal, which critics
have derided as a bail out for Boeing. This report completely validates
our arguments in favor of the tanker lease, said Sen. Patty Murray, D-
Wash. "We are in the homestretch now, and only the loud voices of a few
critics are standing between the Air Force and much-needed new Boeing 767
tankers." Murray, Dicks and other supporters insist the lease arrangement
is needed because the government doesn't have enough money to buy the
tankers. Planes in the current fleet are an average 42 years old. Under
the deal, Boeing will convert 100 767 airplanes into tankers. Each plan
will cost $131 million with $7 million in finance charges. Although
critics insist the price is inflated, the Air Force, Murray and Dicks and
other supporters, including House Speaker Dennis Hastert, say that leasing
is cost-efficient and that it will keep Boeing's 767 line in operation.
The contract is expected to generate or save more than 8,000 jobs in the
Puget Sound region. The contract calls for Boeing to deliver the first 60
aircraft by 2009 and the rest by 2011 at a cost of $16 billion. The Air
Force would spend about $138 million per aircraft and have the option to
buy the 767s for $4 billion outright after the last six-year lease expires
in 2017. But while few doubt that the deal can be stopped, critics still
questioned the cost. "With this proposal, America's security and fiduciary
responsibilities are apparently being subordinated to what's in the best
interest of The Boeing Co.," said Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. McCain has
been joined by a collection of anti-tax groups and good-government
organizations that also questioned the deal. "This agreement would make
even a crooked used-car salesman blush, and it just won't cut it," said
Keith Ashdown, vice president for Taxpayers for Common Sense. "I don't
care if the Air Force puckers up to Boeing, as long as we're not kissing
billions of taxpayer dollars goodbye. The current lease guarantees that
taxpayers will not get fair market value for these tankers," he said.
Murray said she expects the rhetoric to be strong but doubted it will make
a difference. "I expect a few late attempts to sabotage the Boeing 767
tanker lease. A small number of critics have failed time after time to
kill the tanker lease. Their efforts will fail again," she said. The 767
lease is important to the Air Force, Washington state and the nation. It
is going to happen
2003-07-18 19:24:05 UTC
Source: LloydŽs List du 14.07.2003
CONTRACTS for the first of 30 Galileo satellites have
been signed at the European Space Agency's research and technology centre,
writes Neville Smith. ESA director of application programmes Claudio
Mastracci described the signing as "symbolic of Europe's collective
resolve to develop the first civil global satellite navigation system".
The contracts are for two experimental satellites, forerunners of the
system's validation phase which will secure the frequencies reserved for
the Galileo system with the International Telecommunications Union. One
contract, worth EUR27.9m ($32.2m), has been awarded to British firm Surrey
Space Technology. The main task of this test satellite, which will have a
mass on lift-off of 400 kg, is to transmit the Galileo signals from one of
the orbits to be used by the constellation. A second contract has been
placed with Galileo Industries, a consortium composing by Alcatel Space,
Altitia Spazio, Astrium and Galileo Sistemas y Servicios. Piraeus IPo
PIRAEUs, Greece's biggest port authority, is set for an initial public
offering on the Athens Stock Exchange after a decision by the capital
market committee of the bourse to approve the listing plan, writes Nigel
Lowry in Athens. Stock market circles said that the IPO was likely to take
place before the end of this month, making Piraeus the second publicly
listed Greek port after Thessaloniki. The Greek government intends selling
about 25.5% of the company, making available just over 6m shares to the.
public with another 300,000 earmarked for employees. Le Havre ahead FRANCE
S top container ,Le Havre, has reported a 15. 5% increase in containerised
cargo in the first half to 9.38m tonnes, writes Andrew Spurrier in Paris.
By number of units the increase was at virtually the same level with a
14.5% increase to 940,000 teu. Overall, the port's traffic total increased
2.4% to 34.76m tonnes, helped by a general cargo total, including
containers, which rose 15.2% to 4.96m tonnes. Oil traffic results were
mixed as crude oil volume rose 4% to 17.15m tonnes and oil products fell
13.5% to 3.48m tonnes. solid bulks were affected by a 30.6*7r fall in coal
traffic to 825,000 tonnes. Marseilles progress FRENCH cargo port
Marseilles has said that traffic was 2.8% ahead of forecast at the end of
the first half with a traffic total up 4.5% at 47.6m tonnes, writes Andrew
Spurrier in Paris. There were increases in all main traffic categories
except non-oil liquid bulks, which fell 11.6% to 1 .48nt tonnes. The
cruiseship passenger total was up 1.2% on the previous year at 92,300 but
29% below expectation as US passengers chose t«- stay away from the
Mediterranean area following the Iraq war. The port said that seven
cruiseship calls had been cancelled in June alone and there was no
prospect that the tall in passenger numbers would be made up in the rest
at the year. Dublin upgrade AN UPGRADING of berth 51 at Terminal Two in
Dublin Port, where Stena Line operates, has been completed at a cost
ofEUR20 m ($23m), including EUR1.5m of support from the Irish government,
u'riirs Tuin MarSu'ecnuy in Dublin. Irish prime minister Bertie Ahern
described the project as a considerable boost to Irish foreign trade when
he officially opened the ramp. The chairman of the Dublin Port Company"
Joe Burke, said the development was evidence of the significant investment
in capital infrastructure and facilities at Dublin Port in recent years.
Sunßard bid NEW York-listed Sun- Gard Insurance Systems has made a
recommended takeover offer for Sherwood International which will boost its
presence in insurance technology, a market that analysts The Tower Group
estimate will be worth $115bn by 2006, writes James Brewer. The offer of
140p a share values Sherwood at £65.1m ($105.8m). The deal is expected to
close within two months. 8unGard, which has annual revenues of more than
$2bn, operates in more than 50 countries with 1.900 staff in Europe of
whom 1,000 are based in Britain.
2003-07-18 19:25:04 UTC
Le Figaro, 15 Jul 2003, p.9:-
Most of the passengers who were affected by a 30-hour delay were given a
compensation (free taxi return for some of them, and a night in a hotel
for others), while another 50 to 70 announced they would make a class
action to get damages as they think the compensation is not enough. The
SH1019 flight, coming from Cuba with 202 passengers on board, landed at
the Paris-Orly airport 30 hours after schedule on 13 July 2003. A kerosene
leak at a joint level is the result of the technical damage which affected
the Boeing 767, according to ADP, the Parisian airports manager which
added that the spare part had to be sent from Paris as it was no available
on site (the plane made a long stop in Mexico).
2003-07-18 19:26:26 UTC
Seattle Times, 12 Jul 2003,:-
A US$ 20bn agreement was signed by the US Air Force to lease 100 Boeing
tanker aircraft for US$ 16bn, with the option to later purchase the jets
for US$ 4bn. Several consumer watchdogs and lawmakers are concerned about
the deal, seeing it as a handout for Boeing in a depressed aerospace
industry. Four Congress defence committees must now consider the deal for
2003-07-19 12:28:21 UTC
Source: L'usine nouvelle du 17.07.2003
Le chantier de l'usine Star, à Bfagnac (31), se poursuit
selon le calendrier fixé. Le projet porte sur 200000 mètres carrés couverts
pour un coût de 360 millions cl'euros. Outre ce projet majeur, pour lequel
188 millions d'eiiros sont inscrits au titre des investissements de 2003, le
constructeur compte investir cette année 576 millions sur l'ensemble de ses
usines françaises dont 42.8 millions sur les différents sites de
l'agglomération toulousaine. Cela permettra de poursuivre la réalisation
d'un hall de peinture pour CA330/340 à Saint-Martindu-Touch (25 millions),
engagée en 2001 et qui sera livré cette année, et d'agrandir, sur ce même
site, les installations d'essais et de simulation pour l'A380 et l'A400M (30
millions entre 2001 et fin 2004).
2003-07-19 12:39:36 UTC
Il Sole 24 Ore, 04 Jul 2003,:-
On 3 July 2003, BAE Systems signed the memorandum of understanding with
Finmeccanica for the creation of Eurosystems, a partnership that groups all
European electronic activities in the defence sector. The next stage of the
agreement involves the definition of the management structure, followed by
the placement of different activities to the three non-equal joint ventures.
The choice of non-equal partnership was forced by the UK company, which
would have otherwise not concluded the deal.
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